Coming Soon: The Rest of this Site! Seriously!


Stories in Progress:

NECROPHAGIA--Vampires, their mortal pawns, a collector of supernatural creatures, and a graveyard shift worker at a crematorium who think he may just have a thing for the dead--particularly the walking dead. Dark as hell.

Lord of the Rings:

Journeys--Legolas and Gimli set out on a adventure

Cold Sea--Young Aragorn finds a remnant of the First Age, the foster-father of his own foster-father.


His Ardor--Olorin (Gandalf) encounters a young Feanor, and is inspired to create something himself.

Leashing the Lion--Olorin (Gandalf) encounters a young Feanor, and is inspired.

Tyalie--(Maedhros/Finrod/Maglor) Finrod goes hunting with the eldest sons of Feanor, not realizing he is their quarry. Oh yeah, it's slash.


plus several more...ack!


NecrophagiA v.2
Site Created: 18 Feb 2003
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2004

Questions, Comments, and Bitching
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This site is an expression of imagination and love for these characters.
No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this.